Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Golden Brown

Wenn Engel reisen, lacht die Sonne.

Read today's Life writeup about Flashpackers. In case you're not in the loop, the term refers to travellers who lug all their gadgets on the go. If you think I'm crazy for carrying a DSLR and 2 lenses when travelling then these people probably fall under stark raving mad category. Laptops, PDAs, digital cameras, Ipods and every Idunnoewat. Apparently, they actually bring more tech stuff and gadgets than clothes or clean underwear. Why travel then? If your ears are constantly plugged into your ipod and your eyes glued to your laptop, obsessively checking email, why don't you just stay at home and watch Discovery travel and living? Its cheaper and you won't get homesick. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.


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