Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Just got back from a night of French, Food and Football with the the FCDK.
Had trouble sleeping last night again and in a way I guess that was a good thing.
I spent the night thinking...
1. that if I could see that the pain of saying goodbye to friends is a worthy price to pay for friendship, why couldn't I see that sacrificing things that I like is also a worthy price to pay for being loved.
2. that I can never travel the world in my life time.
3. that I am fortunate and blessed to have a girl waiting for me to come home. Isn't that more than enough to make one want to go home.
4. that the world is bigger than just me; my world comprises of those that I have chosen to let in and to these peoople I owe a responsibility.
5. that it is easy to preach to another about responsibility but so dififcult to put it into practice.
6. that although Aarhus may lack grandoise architecture or may appear industrial, it has a lived-in feel, like a pair of worn comfy slippers. Maybe I see it through rose tainted glasses but the glasses are there because of memories and experiences. A place with nice buildings to me is a tourist destination, not necessarily a home.
7. that I like how in Scandinavia you do not have gantries to check that you pay your train or bus fare. I like this system of trust. I also take heart in the fact that it functions.
8. that in a society based on trust and respect, cheating on buses and stealing bedsheets from youth hostels may give one the satisfaction of thinking that they have beaten the system. But to me, its almost like being invited to a friend's home and walking in with muddy shoes. Even if one plans to be an entrepreneur or a business person I think the right thing to do would be to note these gaps in the system, not to exploit it.
9. that in 2 months I will be home, with the warm sunshine on my face and warmth in my heart.
10. that it is nice to smile from the heart.


Blogger t said...

hear hear!!

Good reflections man..

3:44 am  

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