Sunday, August 07, 2005


Just realised the difference between travelling and exchange. When you travel, you're always sleeping in a hotel/hostel/guesthouse and you live out of a backpack. You're constantly reminded how temporal your stint abroad is. But when you're on exchange you MOVE into a room that is your "home" for the next year and you start to live out of a cupboard rather than a backapck. That is when the harsh reality is driven home, that I won't be seeing Wanjing and Liz for the next year.


Blogger shaaaa said...

hey sha here,
bah. are u coming down to copenhagen? as you said misery needs company, and i reallly need some. how did u get internet?
btw my number is, darn i forgot what my number in denmark is. email me.

7:59 pm  
Blogger t said...

you really shouldn't class your girlfriend and your dog in the same sentence... haha.. email me your address and number!

12:30 pm  

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