Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Virgin Experience

My first time on the NEL!!! Was surprised to find it so empty. Sent the car in for servicing today so I decided to take the train to town for lunch. I must say that the MRT system is a bit more complex than it was many years ago. For one I almost got lost in Doby Ghaut Station today and caused a tourist to go in the wrong direction too (long story, don't ask). Apart from being a virgin experience on the NEL, today was also the first time in a long long time since i've ran for a bus. Yes despite my humongous body mass, I am capable of moving beyond snail pace. Running for the bus today did bring back memories of my secondary and jc school days. When i would run for the bus in the mornings and hope that the bus drives off so I have a legitimate 'reason' not to go to school... Ahh.. such fond memories of innocent childhood days.... I feel old. Posted by Hello


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