Sunday, August 31, 2008


Give us this day our daily bread

Sometimes I wonder what keeps me going. What keeps all of us going? Our dreams, aspiration and hopes? Or our disappointments, trials and tribulations? Perhaps it is really the simple things in life that makes it worthwhile. Like waking up to a good read, music, toasts with jam and hot fresh coffee. 

"Finally, the Enlightenment thinker knows that man has five fundamental needs (right now I can't think of any more): food, sleep, affection (which includes sex but also the need to bond at least with a household pet), play (i.e. doing something for the sheer fun of it), and wondering why. I put them in descending order of priority, but it is certain that even a baby, once he has eaten, slept, played and learned to identify Mummy and Daddy, starts to ask why about everything. The first four needs are common to animals too, but the fifth is typically human and requires the use of language.

The fundamental why is why things are. The philosopher wonders why there is being instead of nothingness, but he is doing no more than the average man when he wonders who made the world and what there was before its creation. To answer this question, man constructs gods - or discovers them. (I don't want to address theological issues here)."

~Umberto Ecco, Enlightenment and Common Sense.


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