Friday, June 20, 2008


Stacked, by the weight of tradition

During mass last Sunday, the priest commented on the importance of Church tradition. He mentioned that many of us church goers now forget to genuflect before entering the pews. I must admit that it is easy to forget tradition in the modern churches. The grand monolithic churches of old would never let you forget tradition, with their imposing statues and flying buttresses, reminding you that you are mere mortal and would barely last a century whilst they silently weather a millennium. But what is this tradition that we hold so dear and that other are so willing to discard? I just found out that some Christian churches do not celebrate the breaking of the bread. Is it practices, dogmas, solas, encyclicals, summas or old architecture? Tradition must evolve but along what lines? A modernist approach? Perhaps what it needs its not so much of an evolution but an adaptation. To maintain some form of currency. But again, it brings one back to the starting point, where do we draw the line. While we are figuring that out, let us in the meantime ponder Sola fide sufficit?


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