Monday, April 10, 2006


Reaching out to the other side,
In the hopes of making a connection.
Trying to stay in touch.

Finally booked my flight back to Singapore. This weekend has been a hectic rush, trying to finish another 30 page paper; this time on the UN Human Rights System, doing some research for the road trip on Tuesday, doing even more research for the trip with my brother in May and above it all trying to stay alive.
Amidst all this chaos, I managed to find the time to think...

1. I wonder if there is anything absolute in life? We all like to say its either this or that, A or B, do and don't regret. Isn't life just varying shades of grey? I find it hard to forget about option B even after I've chosen option A. To me, its more like moving up the scale, closer towards A, further from B. Its not really a matter of regret, it is a matter of remembering. Remembering through emotions and feelings. Maybe I'm just one of those "lucky" ones who has never had a painful experience to forget. Maybe I like to remember things that force me to choose, the things that compelled me to make decisions in life.
2. That I can almost imagine the familiar warm embrace of humidity that will greet me when I step out of Changi Airport.
3. That I really like flying home at night, as the plane crosses pitch black seas and land masses towards a brightly lit island.
4. That I like the row of windmills in the sea on the flight approach to Copenhagen airport. I always imagine that they are waving goodbye to me, or welcoming me back.
5. That I think this exchange stint has been so instrumental in teaching me the lessons of life, the lessons that you don't find in the classroom. The lessons that everyone should learn.
6. That you can try to run away from everything but it will eventually hunt you down. How can you run away from that which is within you?
7. That it is a really surreal to get caught in a snow and hail storm while playing soccer; standing in a white field in t-shirt and shorts.
8. That in church today I heard the line "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" and was reminded that even Jesus questions.


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