Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Round is a Shape too

Boys trying to get in shape. This time round we manage to break the squash booking system jinx but only by sheer luck and with Sanja's feminine touch. The booking system is a nightmare and the last time Steffen and I played, we had to come down and go home without hitting a squash ball 3 f**king times before we manged to successfully book a court. Bureaucracy.
Anyway, squash was really great and I'm going to miss horsing around with these jokers. Karl is always dressed for the wrong occassion. When we squash, he's dressed like for golf and when we golfed he dressed like he was going to the pub.
On the topic of shedding some weight, my mom says that I should have 5 small meals a day instead of 3 meals. But as WJ can testify, my meals are already "light". Moreover, if I do have 5 small meals a day, it means that I have to bloody cook and clean up 2 extra times a day. Of course I could have 5 "light" Shawarma kebabs.


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