Monday, January 16, 2006


Walk towards the light.
Tomorrrow I leave for 21 days of adventure in Egypt, so no regular posting for the next 3 weeks.
However, you should know by now that this blog is all about dreams. My Dreams. Dreams about reality, dreams about surreality, dreams about things that have yet to be, are about to be, or will never be.
Even though I won't be near a computer the next few days, I will still be dreaming. Therefore, those of you who wish to see my dreams for the next 21 days, can do so here. 21 dreams for each day, not night. I belong to the rare subspecies of highly evolved man that are able to dream even during the day, homosapiensomnium.
So as I walk towards the light, albeit sunlight, I hope to follow the paths of the Pharoahs of old, as they walk towards their bright light, across the river and into paradise.
It saddens me to think that this could be my last long trip for the semester. I fear that after this, I might be reduced to one of those capital collecting tourist, who boast that they have been to a country when they've only been to its capital or another main city at most. To me, capitals are the most unauthentic bits of a country. In my humble opinion, you get the most "feel" of a country only after you have broken out of the tourist bubble, which is no mean feat these days, and to live for a split second, the life of a local. To explore the countryside at a leisurely pace, relaxing and bumming around in a foreign country is more than just laziness. It is called cultural immersion. Or else why bother travelling? I love it when a place feels familiar enough for me to navigate without a map and yet is still able to stimulate and excite my sense. Do I sound like an apologist for my travelling style?
Is there a need for me to sound like one.


Blogger Cheryl said...

Hello Jammy!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope you are having fun in EYGPT! heh

9:46 pm  

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