Thursday, September 29, 2005

Farvel Sommer!

I think that summer is way over by now. Anyway considering how it is supposed to be Autumn from September forth, I always felt that we were living on borrowed time. I managed to snap a shot of my darlings from the Botanic Gardens. I must say that they have a beautiful rose garden there. I think I won't see them again until next year.
Sad that autumn is here because it means that summer days are over, but it also means that it is getting closer to December =) . Most people say that Autumn is beautiful because of all the fall colours. Its strange how one can perceive the colours of death and decay as something beautiful.

On a lighter note, YIHAN! where are you? I haven't seen you on MSN since forever! Can you please drop me a comment so that I know you're still alive!


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