Saturday, September 24, 2011


Light and dark, round and straight, black and white.

For a while, I seem to have forgotten what it meant to shoot in black and white. Taking this photo has reminded me that colour can sometimes clutter and distract especially when we are seeking, order, symmetry and purpose. There must be a purpose in everything that we do, including a purpose for our very existence. Look around us and you will see that each and every item, organism or thing is designed with a purpose. The irony of man is that we can create for a purpose and discover the purpose of nature around us but we find it so difficult to distill our own purpose with some degree of certainty. Or at least I do. I like to think that man has a higher calling than just to create and consume. Perhaps this post is a spillover from the bouts of existentialist angst that I am prone to; The angst of being condemned to choose. I like to console myself with the thought that maybe my purpose is a collective purpose, like a cog in a machine, for which I have no sight of but encourages me to happily chug away. But if you give it some thought, even the cog does have its purpose within that of the machine and it is, as I've said, a mere fleeting consolation.


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