Tuesday, August 09, 2011


This used to be my playground.

I have always found the concept of Home somewhat elastic. Home is where the heart is but, more importantly, home is where the memories were made. This year's National Day photo was taken at my neighborhood park, where many fond memories were made. I have fond memories of playing football with the boys, kicking the ball into the house you see in the background, kicking the ball at girls who walked by, playing for the team that has to attack the goal up slope and sitting around after a football game talking, laughing until the sun set. I also have slightly more grown up memories of getting drunk in this park after a house party and falling asleep on one of the park benches. This is also the park where we came to for a puff, or where we just needed a place to hang out and talk about the major woes of our lives, which usually meant girlfriend problems. So many memories were made in this little patch of green. So many more memories were made in this little island I call home. Sure, there are other places I have called home, but none of them were as homely as this. Home is where the memories are made and like every household, home may not always be perfect. But we keep working at it because it made us who we are today, for better or worse. And now as I sit in front of my computer, decked in red and white banging out this post, I can't help but feel a sense of belonging. Happy Birthday Singapore!


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