Thursday, June 09, 2011


Touch, feel.

You learn a lot after a couple of days without mobile reception or internet connection. You learn a lot about yourself and how to be still. You learn that you have forgotten how it is like to be alone; and you soon realize that no longer craving to be alone is now a good thing. We all go through different phases and subtly change to suit each new phase of life. This is of course, a natural process but it is also a slow process such that one rarely experiences the change taking place. It is only discovered in retrospect. But I digress. The highlight of the trip was oddly enough, listening to the Kings of Convenience on the TGV to Frankfurt whilst watching the countryside whiz by. It was a moment of peace, a familiar peace perhaps reminiscent of my long train rides through the Danish countryside with the same soundtrack. I am a sucker for train journeys. I am also a sucker for the countryside and as much as I look like a city boy, I would gladly trade it all for the country. Now, as I close my eyes I can still feel the warm sun on my face as I walked through the German countryside on a long evening walk. I miss the feel of the tall wild grass brushing against my palm as I walked with my hand held out, yearning for contact. Perhaps I did not digress after all.


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