Sunday, January 02, 2011


Homs, Palmyra, Baghdad; On the road again.

Its hard not to run when the road is a good friend. Whenever I travel to these places with strange names, I am always warmly welcomed. People there know nothing of me but they seemingly accept my religion, my believes, my past and my very person that is standing before them as they offer me bread, drink and shelter. The need for affirmation and acceptance has been hardwired into the human species. And it manifests itself in our need to stay in touch with other fellow humans through our technology, language and culture. We all crave acceptance of some form. And it is this craving that makes me wonder if the road is the only place I will be accepted. Does acceptance necessitate a change of my past and a change in my believes? Is a mistake made in the past an anomaly or a trend that will perpetuate? Can you believe that I am more complex, more dynamic than what my past allows me to be? Perhaps not. The road is unforgiving insofar as it does not give second chances. But it sure does a very good job at giving a first chance.


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