Thursday, February 12, 2009


Swimming Lizards.

The 12th of February marks the 200th birthday of the father of evolution, Charles Darwin. Although there are some who still scoff at the thought of evolution and natural selection, one cannot deny that Charles Darwin was a unique individual. Personally, I admire his tenacity and his emphasis on the possibilities; constantly challenging the norm. Olivia Judson, an evolutionary biologist wrote a very complete piece about the man and not his science. It is most definitely worth a read. Any further elaboration here would pale in comparison to Ms Judson's article.

The Ideal Scientist

"He practised a kind of ideal, dream-like science. He examined the minutiae of nature - shells of barnacles, pistils of flowers - but worked on grand themes. He corresponded with lofty men of learning but also with farmers and pigeon breeders. He observed, questioned, experimented, constantly testing his ideas."


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