Monday, February 02, 2009


Down the street

Last night I walked down a street, flanked by buildings on both sides. The canopy draped across the street kept out the harsh heat of the afternoon sun but allowed in just enough light to bathe everything in a warm glow. A soft breeze gently swayed the canopy and playful shadows danced across the street. The buildings although similar varied in colour and each had its own character. Every window presented a fresh insight, every door promised an opportunity. The street lead towards a familiar yet strange horseshoe shaped gate; a gate of contradiction. Here, I saw moorish architecture sit comfortably with christian effigies and the east blending seamlessly with the west. Alas, there is beauty in the meeting of opposites.

Last night, I dreamt a dream so real it made me doubt my reality. I think its time to pack my bags again, in search of a new reality.


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