Sunday, January 04, 2009


我想要的那片天空, 你是不是能够给我?

The one thing I like about traveling without a fixed plan is that you stumble upon many pleasant surprises along the way. The downside of this is that you sometimes have to manage the frustration of not being able to see all that you wanted to. I guess one can never have the best of both worlds. Anyway, sooner or later you learn to deal with the frustration, making do with what you have. We all make do. When I arrived in Yazd, the sky was cloudy with gloom and I thought the rains had followed me from Shiraz. When I camped in the desert, I thought I would not see any stars. But I still hoped. That night, a strong wind blew, the clouds cleared and I saw stars beyond my wildest imagination.

Photos from Yazd here


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