Saturday, December 06, 2008


One day, Next time; the Bridge between.

Would you believe me if I told you that I saw both ends of this rainbow? No, there wasn't a pot of gold at the end. The treasure's always in the bow, not the end. I snapped this photo en route to Yazd. It was the first time it rained in the desert this year. What are the odds of it happening on my watch? My driver was overjoyed that it was raining at last. I was a bit dismayed as I had desert activities planned. Two different people with two different sets of feelings, yet moving in the same direction. The only unifying point was this rainbow we saw when the rain stopped. I comforted myself with the thought that one can always hope; even with diverging outlooks and feelings hope bridges the divide.

I watched a movie last night or just now that featured a rainbow. It reminded me of a beautiful sunset that I saw out the back of a 3-tonner; of the beautiful seaside, where I spent a night being lulled by the waves. I remember watching fishermen cast their rods into the sea. The rhythm of their actions in sync with the waves. Unity. As they fished, I picked up a rock, as my catch, because I had no camera with me. My biggest fear is forgetting. I remember that July sun, and being blinded by it.


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