Sunday, December 30, 2007


"If your picture aren't good enough, you are not close enough"
~Robert Capa

I should have gotten closer before taking this photo. But I was amazed that I had already gotten so close without intruding, another tick for the rangefinder camera. I must say that shooting exclusively with a prime lens forces you to think through your compositions thoroughly. Once again, Hopper has greatly influenced this photo. Hopper's characters never attempt to leave the composition. Nor do they seek to make eye contact with the viewer or to engage, the result of being too caught up in their solitude. They appear contented to remain away from the prying eye and in the shadows. Alone is not loneliness but there is definitely the feel of immense solitude. A single warm heart surrounded by cold hard metal. The picture may seem cluttered with details but they are essentially all of the same genre, junk. Even so there is a perverse and converse nature to this, in that what most of us consider junk, some consider gold. The industrial weighing scale is testament to that, surely whatever that is worth measuring is worth keeping.


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