Friday, September 29, 2006


150 bucks of pills can't beat the instant relief of eucalyptus oil.

Sinusitis has confined me to bed for the past few days. What started out as a suspected prolonged and aggrevated hangover turned into a sinus and middle ear infection when my head started spinning and I started puking. Sinusitis is probably one of the worst pains you'll ever experience. Its like as if someone is drilling spikes into your forehead and cheeks. I would almost dare say that a sinus infection is worse than childbirth pains but at least a sinus infection clears up within a couple of days unlike childbirth where you are stuck with the by-product for life. The doc said that lack of sleep and too much dehydrating (sports and alcohol) could have contributed to the infection but I swear its the air and the construction dust from school. Anyway, now that I am up on my feet albeit wobbly feet, I have to deal with the goddamn IP paper that is due next week and research for the IT law project.
So much for my mid-term break.


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