Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Golf anyone?

I was and still am quite the golf nut. But since i've left Singapore I've only picked up a golf club once. However, I have received quite a few "invitations" to golf when I get back to Singapore from people who are practicing hard... (Obi woon included)
I think this picture illustrates my golfing standards now as compared to the Hon. Chief Justice, golfing away in Duke.
First row, the team line up. On his side, dedicated golfers all with their own golf clubs. On my side, hungover golfers all sharing one set of clubs.
Second row, the golfers in action. On his side, golfers showing off their short game techniques. On my side, unique putting technique + golfing without shoes helps you get a better feel of the greens.
On a lighter note, for those homesick exchange students, here's a tune to bring back some memories of our official SAF language / our national third language.


* yes darling! I am studying, I'm just taking a short break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

unfortunately i haven't been golfing (and studying either). but i still look forward to a round with you when u get back mate.


11:41 pm  

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