Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Exit -- D+6

Photo was taken at the ACM. I think in a way it sort of relfects my current state of mind.
No way out but there's always an exit, albeit an emergency exit.
Its too late to pull out of exchange now, well not that I want to anyway, but there is always an emergency exit. Nothing is set in stone unless we deem it so. Theres always a way out. It just depends on what form the exit might take.
Probably brainwashed by Mom who comes into my room every morning to conduct the same old conversation with me
Mom: Boy, are you all prepared? When are you going to stat packing? (worried look)
Me: Yeah prepared, gonna pack tomorrow.... (half asleep)
Mom: Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow.... (anxious, irritated, worried)
Me: Yup don't worry I will pack TOMORROW (its only a day away)
Mom: Are you sure you want to go? You don't seem prepared...Will you be sad? You don't have to go if you don't want to. (SAD)
Me: HUH!? I want to go... besides the air ticket and all have been bought liao.... its too late to turn back. (Irritated)
Mom: No... can always treat it as a holiday, just go until NUS starts then... You can always tell the Danish university some excuse for pulling out... Financial woes or personal problems... (Anxious, excited, agitated, carried away)
Me: MOMMMMMM!!!! (wails) I want to go! Yes I will miss you BUT its only for less than a year!! (Exasperated)
Hard to belive that this has been happening every bloody morning eh...


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