Thursday, May 10, 2012


Simply, breathtaking

Things used to be very simple. And maybe they still are. Just that we like to complicate matters. A few days in the countryside seemed to reinforce this belief. I always find it easier to think whilst away from everything else, no mobile phones, no blackberry, no connection. Just open space, blue skies and rolling clouds to allow one to reconnect with oneself. I often wonder if complication is a function of growing up? The more we think or try to apply our minds the more complex things become. Our words are no longer simple, laden with layers of complex tones and nuances. And this perpetuates as we apparently gain more wisdom with age. Maybe it is not that complicated. Maybe it really is because we start to use our heads more than our hearts, when they should at the very least be used in tandem. 

"Great simplicity is only won by an intense moment or by years of intelligent effort or by both. It requires one of the most arduous conquests of the human spirit: the triumph of feeling and thought over the natural sin of language." 
~T S Eliot 


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