Sunday, February 28, 2010



Photography is all about capturing a moment, a special moment which you've personally experienced and would like to share with someone else. But that person viewing your photograph will never experience the moment in the same way that you, the photographer, did. Does this mean that a moment can never truly be shared? But what about those moments, that we may have unwittingly shared? How about two people sharing the same emotions brought about by a song on the radio, even though they are miles apart? How about two people simultaneously laughing to themselves at the memory of a funny moment or a joke they shared? Are these moments that have been shared without being captured? Perhaps the trick to sharing a moment is not to get too caught up in trying to capture it but instead to simply experience the moment and hope that it is being shared as it is being experienced.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

a moment experienced is always experienced alone. even if the one you want to share it with is right next to you, the experience is particular to yourself; even the memory of it is only yours, different from the one she experienced, hence, remembers.


10:14 pm  
Blogger Jammy said...

isn't that a really sad thing... that you can never share an experience?

10:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad is the truth, until you become one... Do u think two people can ever become one? To know exactly the thoughts n emotions of the other such that in a moment, comprehend a shared experience?


12:40 am  

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