Saturday, February 27, 2010


The birds and the bees.

I make it an effort to wake up early on Saturday mornings. I like waking up to the sound of birds chirping and having a nice cup of coffee in the garden. Lately, an owl was spotted hiding in the bamboo and a pair of squirrels have appeared to much delight. I have yet to snap pictures of these newcomers but I hope to get round to it someday. All this talk of late about increments, bonuses and careers can get burdensome after a while and I inadvertently forget that it is the simple pleasures that makes life worthwhile. But don't get me wrong, I am still very much in the rat race and still very much a rat. I am merely putting things in perspective.


Blogger Julie said...

LOVE your blog but hadn't been reading it long enough to know you are in "the rat race" too. Same here. It gives extra resonance (if that would be the right word)or specialness to the creativity and beauty of your blog to now know you do it in addition to a rat race job. If it weren't for my also honoring and loving the simple things, I would be insane with my stress of work and other things out there in the world.

8:23 pm  
Blogger Jammy said...

Hi MaCaffery, Thanks for your comments! It really is the little things that keeps you anchored. I blog to escape from the rat race. Plus it ensures that I do not neglect my cameras for too long!

Hi Olive Tree Guitar Ensemble, Thanks for your encouragements. The blog isn't really that much effort!

8:50 pm  
Blogger Taylor said...

There is something so special about waking up in the morning and making the effort to notice your surroundings. What a perfect picture, too! I bet it wasn't planned. Shows how life is really full of [pleasant] surprises!

2:38 am  

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