Thursday, October 02, 2008


Walk on by

We are the generation of indifference and ambivalence. When faced with a choice, we simply shrug our shoulders and let someone else decide for us. The time is never right to step up even though it is incumbent on us to do so. Time and again we shy away. Bombarded daily by cliches and advertising, we cede our powers of reasoning and questioning. Perpetually plugged in, we have grown deaf to the cries of humanity. Constantly exposed to flickering screens and city lights, we have become truly myopic, unable to look beyond. But beyond is where the greater good lies. For us, the beyond is over the edge of our square earth. Besides, one's own good is always greater than that of others. And so, as the heroes of old pass on, one cannot help but wonder whether our generation will spawn worthy replacements. Those heroes will most definitely live on as legends. In spite of that, legends can only inspire, they cannot compel.


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