Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Is this the road traveled
or the road ahead?
I stop and wonder,
just like a dream, dislocated.
With Sisyphus for company,
I make this journey;
He bouldered as I stoned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

must've been quite an exciting time , stopping to look at these things in the winter frost..

i like this one, .. im imagining from the perspective you side stepping from the path to stop and photograph this sight..?

10:40 pm  
Blogger Jammy said...

It was. I miss the seasons and the cold weather. Without the seasons, things do seem somewhat static. I like the whiteout of winter, because if you just look on the surface all you see is snow, but it rewards you if you persists in your search beyond. Just like the desert. Its not all sand. And like how the winter nights give way to the northern lights, the desert sky lights up with a countless stars, some shooting some constant.

To be honest, I can't really remember what I was thinking when I took this photo. It was snapped in the woods behind my apartment in Denmark. Nevertheless, I always think that a photo should involve the viewer. To have more than one perspective in a photograph is not the norm. The norm is for the photo to bear only the photographer's perspective. I like photos that capture more than that, photos that encapsulate the viewer's perspective too. This gives it a new dimension, an area for it to grow and expand beyond what it visually or physically contains. And in a way this gives the photo currency or a certain timeless quality. I like photos that are not conclusive but suggestive.

11:13 pm  

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