Saturday, May 06, 2006


Members of Jus, the Aarhus University Law Club, all lined up to support their rowers.
Today was the big inter faculty race which involves rowing a raft/boat/float across the university lake, gulping down a beer and then rowing back to the other side. The team with the most runs wins. All the faculties had a theme. Theology's theme was death and their boat consists of 2 "Deaths" rowing a "dead" person across the "river styx". Upon reaching the other bank, the "dead" person would rise up, gulp the beer and pop back onto the raft again, resuming his "dead" posture. Law came as jocks and cheerleaders and their entrance was complete with a high school marching band. Political science came as team USA with the full ensemble of Bush, Nixon and secret service agents. The folks from the Engineering school were dressed as builders and had a huge construction truck, surprise surprise. It was really super fun just hanging around laughing at the drunk guys and girls trying to paddle across the tiny lake in their costumes. I think the entrances by the teams were really more spectacular than the race itself. The sun was out in full force today and it really felt like summer, minus the bald trees. I gues this is the last major on campus party before the exams kick in. Anyhow, too many beers = not many good photos, but I think they give the general impression. More photos here.


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