Tuesday, January 03, 2012


At the heart of the matter.

Twin carburetors, no power steering and rear wheel drive - the ingredients for a good drive. I like old and mechanical stuff not as a rejection of modernity but because they require a certain commitment; almost akin to a promise, which these days seems to be a foreign concept. Old or mechanical stuff require commitment from you before it gives, a tacit understanding between user and equipment, creating a relationship - a mechanical watch requires winding before it faithfully records time and likewise a '72 Alfa Romeo requires driving commitment, especially committing to a gear change, before it purrs sweetly. In a society where we are spurred on to be takers (consumers), it is nice to be reminded from time to time that there is also a need to give before we receive, a need to build relationships, a need to understand. But commitment is time consuming. And time is a rare commodity these days. Maybe, if we manage to take time to understand our implements and environ, we may learn that we can receive more if we are prepared to give and what we receive may perhaps last. We may also learn that not everything old or time consuming should be discarded. And that includes old friends and family too.


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