Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A pit stop, somewhere in between Pergamom and Ephesus.

It is pit stops like these, in the middle of nowhere, that really make me really feel like I am traveling. The mountains, the blue skies, the different language on the signboards and the air; heavy with a scent of the unfamiliar. But this scene looks ordinary. Everything here looks modern and of my generation, composing of artifacts that are present in my day to day life back home; Yet different.

It is these pit stops and not the heavyweight attractions that make me feel most like I am really journeying. The dictionary defines 'journey' as a travel or passage from one place to another. I think this definition is lacking somewhat for I rather suspect that in the word 'journey' belies a time frame, un jour or a day. A day's travel or passage from one place to another. Time changes the complexion of things and everything is a function of time. Some things rot over time, like onions. Some bloom, like tulips. We all know that distance can only be traveled over time and yet sometimes we forget that we need to give each other ample time to bridge the gap. Some will say that the test of a relationship lies in whether it can survive the ravages of time and others will tell you that time heals all wounds; including heartaches. I will simply caution that falling out of time is inevitable and that Life is no more than a journey; our memories, the souvenirs we've picked up along the way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree! -s

1:49 am  

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