Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Runic Rearrangement

Rearrangement, a word I have not heard or used for a long time. My little mac dictionary defines it as "move (something) into a more acceptable position or state". I must be getting the meaningful half. I bought these little rune stones from an artist colony in Orkney, an island off the Scottish coast. The lady who sold me the stones told me that they came from a beach next to the colony, where there were a handful of big Norse rune stones, a magical and sacred place. I smiled when she said that but I bought the stones because I am a sucker for stones. It is like bringing a piece of the country back with you. I am insecure like that. The runic characters on the stone represent a quality or trait and one is suppose to pick up 6 stones from a bag to see what fate has lined up for you. Tonight, I took hold of fate and chose 6 stones that I need the most; Cold comfort. If only a life was so easily rearranged.


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