Saturday, October 27, 2007


When will we bite the hand that feeds?

As oil prices rise past $90 on Friday, the possibility of $100 oil no longer seems that remote a possibility. The reasons for the recent spike, conflicts between the Kurds and Turks in northern Iraq and new US sanctions imposed on Iran. Both are not new issues, the Kurds and Turks have been going at it since forever and Iran has been under US sanctions since 1979. I dare say that all this is the result of bungled American foreign policy, but what difference does it make now. Opec will not increase supply, perhaps because the high dollar price makes up for the recent weakening of the US$. Natural resources should not be turned into weapons. Perhaps the $100 mark will be a good time to break out of our dependency and put an end to petrolpolitics. We have seen the end of cheap oil. I wonder how this will impact my generation's lifestyle.


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