Monday, January 15, 2007


Rows of Shikaras lined up on the shores of Lake Dal, Kashmir.

An old shikara rower tries to stay warm as the sun sets and the mercury plummets, probably with the help of his Kangri. Ever so often, you hear the phrase "Kashmir is paradise" being mouthed off by the locals or one of these boatmen. And every time I hear it, I can't help feeling a sense of irony. Kashmir is paradise but not for those who truly call it home. But then again it all depends on your definition of paradise. Kashmir is indeed a beautiful place, where the himalayan mountain range, punctuated by dramatic valleys, meet silent still lakes. I only hope that the photos reflect its allure. Kashmir is paradise if you can ignore all the human activity. Maybe paradise was meant to be without man. I know this man is not worthy of paradise. Anyway, more photos here.


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